Friday, November 22, 2013

Let's make an exhibit together!

Citizens of Barnstable County! Let's shake things up!

I'd like to take this opportunity to formally invite all you families, historic and recent settlers alike, to come and make your story part of a new exhibit at the Museum of Culture and Industry.

"Ties That Bind- family and living history in the Buzzard Bay region"
A new exhibit, with the first stage unveiled November 26th 2013.

What I need from you is a story, and a family 'treasure'. No no, not that sort of treasure! The everyday sort of treasure- the melting pot from the old foundry, the silly braided grass vessel your great grandfather brought back from his time trading with the polynesian islanders, the butter dish a great-great -great uncle salvaged from a shipwreck.
What will happen to the treasures? Well, I'm glad you asked

I'll have my digitizing equipment all set up and ready to go. Treasures will be 3D scanned and photographed, and I'll email you the point cloud and digital image of your family treasure! Now don't worry, I won't be letting everyone see the 3D scan of the image- those are for you. A copy will be made and stored in the museums new servers, for posterity. 

The stories will be audio recorded, and transcribed. My assistant will probably want to take your picture, too. You can tell her no though, so don't worry if your hair was uncooperative that day!

These story treasures, and pictures of family 'treasures' will become part of a multimedia exhibit about 


This is your museum. These are your stories. Together, we can make something amazing happen. 

*Please, don't bring anything overly fragile, overly expensive or overly gigantic. Arrangements can be made for photography to be done at your home if your treasure is something that can't be transported. I don't want to photography gold, jewels or other precious things due to the visibility of this exhibit. We can keep our treasures humble, those are the best treasures anyhow. Let's not invite thieves into our community! 

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